*Speaking time ranges from 30 minutes to 90 minutes  and can be  adjusted accordingly.

*Sherri can also provide music, if requested.

Topics include but are not limited to the following:

~Say What You Need To Say

Are you holding back forgiveness?  Encouraging words? Having a hard time saying "I'm Sorry?"  Can't say "I Love You?"  Life is's time to open your mouth!

~Stagnant Water Stinks!

How to get "unstuck". ('Cause nobody wants to hang with the stinky people! If you're stuck- feeling stagnant- it's time to stir up the muddy waters....)

~Seasoned to Perfection:

Embracing life's experiences- the bitter and the sweet.

~Be a Lady, Not a MIST-ER!

 Start encouraging  and Stop discouraging those around you.

(Spraying a "mist" on those who are excited and on fire rather than fanning the flames is no way to act if you're a lady.  Really, no one likes a MIST-er! Practice fanning the flames...not dousing fires.)

~The Heart of  a Woman

Fine tuning the dreams, desires, and longings of the heart.

~Mirror, Mirror, on the wall...

Image is everything- especially when it comes to  a closer examination-inside and outside. (Those "skinny mirrors" only work on the outside-- what's inside always ends up seeping through!)

~ Remove the Mask-

The freedom of Transparency

Take a load off...enjoy the real you.

~Peace maker? Peace Taker? Or Peace Keeper?

Learning to seek peace and pursue it.

~And then some...

Going above and beyond the call of duty

~Just Breathe...

Don't sweat the small stuff...(too much sweating causes dehydration which can  have serious consequences.! )

SAVE YOUR SWEAT!-A practical look at life's obstacles and how to deal effectively with them without losing your mind!


A comical look at the this common problem and some great advice for women and the men who love them!


Breaking the habit of gripin',moanin',groanin',and complainin....for your  own good. (and so those around you can get a break!)


Practical tips on making a difference in your "world."

Put your money where your mouth is!

~Singing in the Rain

Stop waiting for the storm to blow over, start your solo now!

~Are You a Hamburger or a STEAK?

Determining your worth. (Become the main entree at a fine restaurant- not a "meat product" on the dollar menu!)

~Is this a wedding or a marriage?

Choosing to remain faithful to your vows, 'for better or for worse', for the long haul

*If you have a special theme or topic you would like Sherri to address, feel free to ask.

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